Sunday 31 July 2016


The Importance of a Professional eBook Cover!

Imagine how difficult it would be to pick out an eBook if all the titles had the same plain, lifeless cover. You would have to read the description of every book to see if it interests you! While most people read the descriptions of books anyway, the eBook cover is often the first factor in determining which eBook readers will buy. Although they don’t have a physical, print cover, eBook covers are just as important to readers.
With all the eBooks on the market today, it is important as an author that your eBook cover makes a lasting first impression. Imagine you are on a site like and you search for something like “dragons and fantasy.” There are dozens of books that show up in the search results that you now have to sift through. If an eBook doesn’t have an original or intriguing cover, there is a very good chance that you will skip right over it for a book that does catch your eye.

There are several important things to consider when developing your eBook cover. For one, you have to make sure your cover is representative of the content of your eBook. For example, it wouldn’t make much sense to have an image of a clown on the cover if your story is a romance novel. eBook covers also vary depending on what type of book you are publishing. Often times textbooks are very straightforward and simple in design; this type of design has more of an appeal to academic buyers. On the other hand, many romance novels tend to have seductive covers to entice readers. Whatever the genre, you will want to make sure that your cover aligns with the content and also intrigues the potential reader!
Please see the Samples of eBook covers we’ve created here and, kindly visit our for your unique and eye-catching ECOVERS.
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